martes, noviembre 21, 2006

what i know - fulano de degrassijajajaj

i don't know if you'll for give me
For being so blind
To how you felt
Don't ask me why i couldn't see it

It might take years to figure out

And thats not something i know much about
But theres one way to find out
What i know is that i hurt you oh
What i know is that i suck
And what i know is that i'm sorry
What i know is that i'm a Loser,yeah
What i know is i Screwed up
And that i never earned your trust
And what i know is everything i touch
Just turns to Dust

calmate ardido jajajaja


Blogger ♪ LinLin ♪ said...

jaja tu dormidop?? madnando mzjitowz?? jajaja io keria taar ahii =( pero bueno jaja lo adoro jaja ... oie komo ke tu pagina ze ezta kemando no> jajaj ntc lo adoro jajajajaaajaja lol zillon

amonooz a ver zaw 3!!!
jajaja xD

11:11 p.m.  
Blogger Daniel said...

hay pinche dedo melancólico culero jajajaj no se crea ya deje cu ardidez no?

9:22 p.m.  
Blogger Pete said...

Ta bn Der Ardido jaja io soi un Ardido Y??? jaja ia sabes a lo q me refiero pero shhhtt jejeje bno nos vemos luego jaja io creo ia asta el prox anio xq como t dije tal vez ia no vaya a delicias como asta febrero jaja bno nos vemos jaja byes y saludillos

8:24 p.m.  

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